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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

An update to my update

I want to thank all of you for your sweet comments and keeping my in your prayers.
I had several people email me taking the time to see how I was doing and I appreciate it so much. I also had a few email me asking if they had missed something confused by my mentioning my oncologist.
In June 09 while my husband was deployed to Afghanistan I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. I had surgery and found that the cancer had spread to both right and left pelvic lymphnodes. I had 5 rounds of chemotherapy, 40 rounds of external radiation and 5 rounds of internal radiation.
I have been in remission as of March 2010. The results of my latest scan showed no evidence of cancer, no enlarged lymphnodes, no bone issues. Just a collection of fluid where I had some cancer removed in my lymphnodes. I have my right leg and have a problem with my leg draining fluid. My oncologist suggested I go back to physical therapy to get the fluid "moving"

I just wanted to keep y'all posted on what is going on. I've missed blogging and just needed a break.
I'll be back until next weekend when my kid's and I head to Houston to spend Christmas break with our family.

I finished painting the dresser in the entry, but haven't waxed or distressed it yet.

Here is a peak

The Mackenzie Childs candlesticks are a gift from my husband.
(I love them and I love you hubbykins)

I didn't pull out all of our Christmas decorations this year since we won't be here, but I did decorate my kitchen a little. I will share with y'all soon.

Michele <3


Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Praise God! I was praying for you!! Glad to know that the cancer is not back!! This just made my day!

On a lighter note, the dresser looks great!!! And the candlesticks really pop! Love it! Can't wait to see it all waxed and distressed!! But, I want you to take care of yourself, first!! God bless you!

Town and Country Gals said...

So glad to hear things are ok and that you are still doing well!! Have been thinking about you and wondering how you were! Your hubby did good, those candlesticks are fab and the dresser looks great!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I am so glad to hear that your cancer has not come back....

Love your candlesticks!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. That is good news! Your hubby did good.

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said...

I'm so glad you had good news. I stopped by your blog this week and noticed that you had not posted recently. I began getting worried about you.So glad to know you're ok. Your dresser is going to look fabulous.

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

So glad you have good news!!! Love your vignette!

Kelly said...

Yay for good news!!!!

Teresa@1800 Farmhouse Rd said...

Oh Michelle, I haven't been a good blogger, so I didn't even know anything was going on. I am so glad you remain in remission.

Now, if I were closer, I would come over and distress and wax that dresser for you while you take care of that leg.

Comeca Jones said...

You are wonderfully blessed.!

sabri said...

Yay !!! welcome back girl...and glad ur results were good news..i just new after all the prayers...have a great holiday and when u get around to distressing that cabinet...let me in on how to do it...i have a project i want to work on at home..thanks and glad your back!!

NanaDiana said...

Michele, God bless you, honey. I can't imagine what you went through but I know that it gave you a whole different outlook on life than most people have. I am so glad that you are cancer-free...that's the biggie. The other stuff is just baby-steps~ xo Diana

NanaDiana said...

ps...Your hubby did great with those candlesticks...MyHero wuld be clueless!

Debbiedoos said...

hi Michele. Glad to hear all is well. You enjoy your family. Love the candlesticks too. Happy Holidays. XO

Anita at Cedar Hill said...

Oh I am so happy, PTL!! So glad to know you are cancer-free!! I am so happy for you!! That is fabulous news.

Becca Bertotti said...

Thank God! I was getting worried since you hadn't updated us! What a wonderful Christmas gift the news is for you and your precious family!

And, I can't wait to see what you've done ... the teaser pic looks beautiful! xo

Traditions By The Seasons said...

I was just thinking about you the other day, as well. I'm so glad you are doing well and will pray that the physical therapy does the trick to get that fluid movin'!

Love your pretty vignette. Enjoy this wonderful time of year with your family. Happy Holidays, sweetie! xoxo ~Liz

Melissa Miller said...

Michelle I have been so worried about you. I'm glad to read you are doing okay. Keep us posted!

The dresser and candles are gorgeous!

Marianne said...

I am so happy to hear the good news that you are okay. I wish I could give you a big hug!

The dresser is looking great and I'm loving those candle sticks from hubby. Glad to hear you will be with family for the holidays, enjoy your time with them.
Marianne :)

Gail said...

I wanted to let you know that I have been so happy for you and your family since I received your email!

Merry Christmas to you and your family and enjoy this wonderful holiday season with them.

Diane said...

I am so happy with your news. It is amazing what the power of prayer can do! Welcome back my friend. Diane

Donna said...

Wonderful news that you are cancer free!
Love your dresser and I love MC items!
Enjoy your holidays!