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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oops, I went to TJ Maxx again!

My girl and I went shopping today.
I wanted to see if they still had the cute little ladybug costume for her.
Check out the loot!

Pretty beaded pumpkin 10 bucks.
Rooster plate 2.99.
Vanilla Extract 5.99.
The fall cupcake things were 5.99 also.

I have the bunny plates just like these for Easter.

My cupcakes are going to look extra cute with these babies!

They had the ladybug costume for my girl!!
She loves it, shes been walking around carrying it since we got home.
It was 19.99.

Soon as I got home I opened up that vanilla, it smells delicious!
I do want to add that it is NOT "pure" there is water and sugar added! (I saw that when I got home)

I don't think I've shared with yall that my husband and I make our own homemade vanilla extract.
It is super easy and so much fun!
It doesn't stop me from buying pure vanilla when I see it, I love to try  different vanillas.
One day I'll share our vanilla pantry with yall!
(It needs to be organized, hubby's wine making stuff is in there too)

Hope yall have a good day!


Melissa Miller said...

Michele share with us how you make vanilla. That sounds neat. I love the smell of it as well. Cute cupcake stuff and love the bead pumpkin.

Warmly, ~Melissa

Melissa Miller said...

Michele I made you my Blog Of The Week. It's at the top of my bog. I hope it's okay. :)

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

How cool that you make your own vanilla. I would love to try that sometime. I love that beaded pumpkin!! I am trying NOT to buy more decor for Fall...but I make break down and do it anyways!!

Marianne said...

Oh, I just love favorite scent and one of my favorite tastes...yummy! Yes, please share with us your vanilla recipe.
Marianne :)

Comeca Jones said...

I love the beaded pumpkin too! Great find!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope my daughter-in-law remembers to wrap some vanilla extract for her in-laws for Christmas.......Sure would be an easy way to make space on the pantry, mimi

Town and Country Gals said...

You got some cute stuff! The ladybug custume is adorable! My 19 year old, Kate dressed up as a ladybug last year for her job, it was really cute! There are photos of her dressed up under Oct 2010. Will be waiting to see your little one in her outfit! I think that it's amazing that you make your own vanilla!
Hope things are going well,

All That Glitters said...

Cute finds!!! I've been buying so many halloween decor items it's sickening to my wallet!

I just wanted to let you know that Rite Aid will have there JR Watkins products $1.50 each!!! This starts Sunday. Just scan every product they have to be sure! Even it says $13.99! Scan it!

Cracker Barrel had the cinnamon kind of J R Watkins stuff too!

Designing Domesticity said...

Wow, your own vanilla and wine too! I definitely need to see this pantry! Please pass along the recipe...I am intrigued! liz

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Great finds, we would have so much fun shopping together!Happy TGIF!! XO ~Liz

Boho Farm and Home said...

Looks like you found some TJ MAXX Treats! That is the exact stuff I buy there too...LOVE that fall cupcake kit.

Kelly said...

That ladybug costome is so cute! I haven't even started thinking about what my son wants to be for Halloween yet. He is 10 and usually likes to go as something scary (of course). I'll be on the look-out for costumes now. Looks like you had a very successful shopping trip. I've never known anyone to make their own vanilla flavoring before (except maybe Martha Stewart).

Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Michele, great finds! I guess it was the perfect day for shopping! I'm sure your daughter will be the cutest ladybug ever! Enjoy your weekend!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

I love the pumpkim Michele! I also just love the rooster lamp in front of your gorgeous mirror!
That is to funny about the little rooster lamp on ebay, just think if we would have bid aganist each other! I can't wait for it to come in!

Wendy@~Chez~La~De~da~ said...

Oooh I too want to know how to make vanilla! What a treat that would be! I bet the house smell delicious:*~
I love TJ Maxx also~We have a TJ Maxx and More here close to us and it has a TON of home stuff. I could spend all day in there, but my daughter kind of pouts when she is done in the shoes!

Love your cupcake find!! When are we going to see a tablescape and those delicious cupcakes? All that fall color you have going on? it will be amazing!


sabri said...

love all the pumpkins...i just did some almost similar myself..i was just browsing blogs and ran into what your doing to the place..~sabri~