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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Reagan's rain boots

Last week I was on a crafty rampage.
I made a fall wreath. (Pictures to come)
Painted some candle holders with chalk paint.
I can't wait to paint the dresser thats in the entryway.
I ordered two more colors lastnight.
I'm lining up projects to do while my husband is deployed, I should have plenty to do.

So I took Reagan's plain ole boots.........
and fancied them up a bit.

I think they turned out super cute!
She needs to grow into them a bit but that doesn't stop her from walking around the house in em.

Love my glue gun!

Hopefully it doesn't keep her from modeling my shoes!

Thank you all for the prayers.
I am feeling a little better now, guess I just needed to get it out.
Hubby and I did some talking and I started taking the hormones.
I'll see my oncologist in a month or so.

I will share Reagan's room....and the changes I'd like to make soon as I clean up.

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13 comments: said...

Cute addition to the boots-I wouldn't have thought of that! Hmm maybe my boots need a little bling. Hope you are feeling better!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Cute boots!! Love the black and white ones too. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better.

Kimberly said...

Hi Michelle - thanks for stopping by my blog. Love how you dressed up the boots! so cute.

Comeca Jones said...

Yep those boots are tooo cute! All Glam!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love the boots. They are absolutely darling. What a great idea. YOur daughter is cute as a button. I know she must love them. I have the same black/white ones by the door. Aren't they fun? Great job. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to comment under my google account. My computer is so messed up. Love the new pictures and projects for the future. Reagan is such a doll. I miss you all. mimi

Town and Country Gals said...

Those boots are adorable and so is Reagan! Aaron said he doesn't know a Smith either, funny, your husband works midnights, Aaron works swing. I'm hoping to visit him before he goes if he doesn't get home,(maybe). Like the post your hubby wrote, I have a couple of sleds and a tobacco basket also, love them! Hope everything is going better, focus on the good things, as hard as that is sometimes, it does seem to help.

Wendy@~Chez~La~De~da~ said...

My Anika has wanted some of these boots for the longest time....she is now 15, still wants them. I am not a big fan at all (she wants to wear them to school!!!) Now that I see what I could do with a glue gun? Hmmmmmm maybe? ~Giggle~ I wonder if she would still wear them with some maribou around the top and some crystals hanging from big pink tulle bows and such....I suppose she might disown me!!
I love what you have done....I might have to get her opinion!

Marianne said...

Oh, how I wish I had a little girl. I love my boys more than anything but girls are just so much fun to dress! Yes, I want one to play dress up with. Those boots are just adorable!
Marianne :)

GardenOfDaisies said...

What cute little boots for a darling girl!!
Thinking of you hoping for good news when you see your doc. Hope those hormones really help.

Debbiedoos said...

Oh my I would love a pair of those!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Those boots are adorable, my girl's would LOVE them!! Your baby girl is just precious! XOXO ~Liz

Sarah said...

Cute boots and Reagan is adorable.