Saturday, July 2, 2011

Reagan's room, sneak peek!

Reagan's bedroom....
I remember putting her sweet little room together like it was yesterday.
When I was pregnant I would sit in her room forever.
Every morning I would wake and go in her room
and every night I would do the same.
I had been waiting 8 years for my sweet little girl.

Just a few months before I got pregnant with her I had my second miscarriage.
I had also had 3 colposcopies trying to figure out what was wrong with me.
I was scheduled for a procedure and just days before I was to have it I found out I was pregnant with baby girl.
I am so overjoyed that I was able to have another child before I was diagnosed with cervical cancer.
(Reagan was 6 months old)

I had custom bedding made for her crib.
Yes, she is still sleeping in her crib.
I am not BRAVE enough to let that little girl free. LOL
She will be 3 in October.

In another year or so we will update it. I'm looking forward to her input on her big girl room.
Then just a few more years she won't even want me in her room...
Oh I can just hear her LOL

I am on vacation in Texas!
I hope to share the rest of her room when we return.
Along with LOTS of pictures...we will be doing LOTS of shopping!

Happy 4th!


  1. Michcel-What a perfect little girl's room! I have a granddaughter that age and when she comes to my house she still likes to sleep in the crib even though she has a big girl bed at her own house. Keep her a little girl as long as you can because they grow up way too fast! xo Diana

  2. Michele, This looks like such an adorable little girls room. I would love to see more.

  3. Dearest Michele,
    You are way too young to have been through so much bad stuff. I will keep you in my prayers.
    What a sweet peak at her pink bedroom!
    Love those striped teacups.
    You take care now and have a nice restful vacation.


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